Confessions On How To Be A Darling Silly Girl
R.I.P. *dearest* Farrah

I changed my font at

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I started this school year out thinking that it was gonna be pure suckage, but you know what? I'm thinking that I was just nervous...or something. I'm now into my third week of my senior year, and I've hardly even had any homework. Yippeeee!!! I mean, I have had homework, but I finish pretty much all of it in school. Oh JOY! Anyway, I'm pretty not-so-lazy this year...or atleast not as lazy as I have been all of the other years. I just hope that I'm not jinxing anything here. Please God!-let this year be a breeze! Anyway, I'm reading a really interesting book right now. Goddess. No-it's not about me...although you are welcome to serve me. It's about Marilyn Monroe. Good read so far, despite the large print. I don't know what it is about large print books, but they make me feel like I'm a second grader! My mom says I'm crazy. She's right, I should just enjoy, ya know? But anyway, it's good-it goes right into detail about EVERYTHING! Yes-the sex, the infidelity, the fantasies, her supposed psychoses, and more sex. Insane! Honestly, and no offense to my dear friend Heather(she loves Norma Jean)but I can't believe that so many people look up to her! According to Goddess, which is an extremely well-researched book, she fabricated most of the stuff that happened to her-just to get attention! That includes molestation, sex at 8 years old, and having a baby that was only taken away! Even more insane! But, she is a compelling person. I honestly kind of feel sorry for her because she obviously felt that she had to make that stuff up for some reason. And, it's not her fault that men are soooo gullible! But why...i guess the book will answer those questions. But anyway, you've gotta hand it to her. Even if she was coniving and deceptive, she knew exactly how to get EVERYTHING she wanted. Hmmm....I wonder what I'll have to do to get my mom to make some of her delicious no-bake cookies? I'd clean the house twice for those things! I am seriously a real life cookie monster!

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The Girl

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I love 80's movies, Audrey Hepburn, music(check out my playlist!), cutting up magazines, anything yellow, yada yada yada ...

I hate baloney, abortion, people who are mean to kids(we were kids once!), liars, heartlessness, yada yada yada ....



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